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future perfect是什么意思

发布时间:2021-01-12 作者: 英语查

future perfect 是什么意思


future:    n. 1.未来,将来。 2.前途,远景。 3.〔pl.〕 ...
perfect:    adj. 1.完全的,完美的;圆满的,理想的;纯粹的。 ...
a perfective tense used to describe action that will be completed in the future; "`I will have finished'' is an example of the future perfect"
同义词:future perfect tense,

The future perfect is a verb form or construction used to describe an event that is expected or planned to happen before a time of reference in the future, such as will have finished in the English sentence "I will have finished by tomorrow." It is a grammatical combination of the future tense, or other marking of future time, and the perfect, a grammatical aspect that views an event as prior and completed.


1.Past future perfect tense

2.Future perfect tense

3.Notice that except for the first person singular , the above verb forms look exactly the the future perfect indicative . so be careful

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